
In SGM Plastics EOOD are implemented the requirements of International quality standard ISO9001:2015 and ISO14001.

The policy of our company is to guarantee, that all our products meet completely the requirements, described in Product specifications of our clients. The company strategy is to exceed these customs requirements, and to keep continual improvement all the time, in order to reach higher results.

The final object is to satisfy completely the customer requirements. In order to reach this object, and in order to maintain the QMS, all our actions are guided by the following principles:
- Identification and satisfaction of all technical requirements of the products – on the base of customers’ needs;
- Traceability, continual development and improvement of the working production processes – plastics injection, assembling, tampon printing;
- Improvement of QMS and improvement of customer satisfaction
- Good and professional relationships with our clients – good and smooth communication, fulfillment of the delivery times, flexibility.
In SGM Plastics we carry out different measuring processes, observation, analyze and improvement in supplying of conformed final product.

SGM Plastics EOOD ISO14001 Certificate

SGM Plastics EOOD ISO14001 Policy

SGM Plastics EOOD Quality Policy

Technological modernization

"Провеждане на процедура „Избор с публична покана“ за определяне на изпълнител с предмет:
Доставка, монтаж и пускане в експлоатация на следните машини с обособени позиции:
Обособена позиция 1:
- Шприц машина-130т. с ЦПУ – 2 бр.;
- Шприц машина-180т. с ЦПУ – 1 бр.
Обособена позиция 2: Вертикална преса с ЦПУ – 1 бр."
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Precision Measuring